Come join us as we study God’s Word, lift and sing praises unto our creator, preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and pray for His guidance and protection for our lives. Know now and for evermore that we would love to have you as a vital member of our church family. Our lives are intricately tied to this community and we pray for you and your family’s health and well being.
We have a commitment to investing in our future…. Planting Kingdom Seeds for Future Generations.

Times Such As These...

God Almighty has given us this time in this world to be a part of His marvelous plan and receive His blessings. Our lives are fast moving, changing constantly, and challenging our families, values, and beliefs. It is in times such as these that individuals must find strength, stability, and security in knowing the power that sustains each of our lives can be found in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. At Christian Fellowship Baptist Church, our goal is to present an opportunity to those coming to know Christ, His power, and His Love, in believing that their lives will become stronger and more committed to our community and the world.

Map and Directions

Listen & Enjoy

Every Praise: CFBC Choir

Sermon: The Half Has Not Been Told