Select A Contribution Type
The drop-down list indicates each of the types of contributions which can be made through this form. If the intended item is not in the list, please use the convenient "Miscellaneous Payments" form below.
Enter An Amount
Enter the amount of your contribution without a $ dollar sign. An example amount entry would be: 50.00
Enter Your MemberID / Envelope #
Enter your Member ID so we can reflect the contribution on your Member Statement.
Not a Member or don't know your Member ID
If you're not a Church Member or don't know your Member ID, enter NONE in the MemberID field.
Miscellaneous Payments
You may also use this page to submit payments for various Christian Fellowship Baptist Church items or contribution type not listed in the above Contribution section drop-down options. Enter a brief but clear description for the payment item.
- Christian Fellowship Events and Tickets - Retreat, Prayer Breakfast
- Ministry Activities - Athletics, Transportation Fee
- Registration Fees - Conference Registrations, Classes, Workshops
- Any other miscellaneous contribution or payment